You deserve to heal the wounds you never wanted

Discover the past patterns to be authentically present

Create secure attachment with yourself through Syconium's 5-step healing process. You'll move from a reactionary fear of rejection to trust in your worth, listen to the needs of your body, heal your inner child and learn to love without codependency.

Your attachment wounds need you

The Self-Study Course You're Not Alone In

You'll be guided every step of the journey to 1) Identify your attachment style in different contexts 2) Understand your triggers 3) Notice repeating patterns 4) Respond to your needs 5) Create safety in your body. Every part of this self-study course is trauma-informed; you're guided through the whole process so you don't have to do this work alone. You'll have access to engaging videos, step-by-step PDF templates and reiki-infused meditations to embody healing at every level.
If you are struggling with defensiveness, short tempered reactions you regret, especially to people you feel closest to, self-jdugement, believing others are better than you or that you're a charity case for them then it might be time for  the 3 hour self study course

Discover your potential, starting today

Course curriculum

    1. Take the Quiz!

    2. Workshop

    3. Somatic Practices

    4. Journal Prompts

    5. Homework

    6. Worksheet

    7. Affirmation

    8. Inner World Meditation

    1. Affirmation

About this course

  • £97.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

You're saying yes to...

5-steps to heal your attachment wounds

  • Developing secure attachment with yourself

  • Releasing patterns of project partners, walking on eggshells, putting yourself last

  • Identifying your needs, learning to meet your own needs and be supported in having your needs met

  • Healing your inner child

  • Be empowered to connect to yourself AND others

Pricing Value

In 1:1 therapy sessions, it would cost you $10 500 and over 70 hours, if not more. You have access to an archive of knowledge, wisdom and skills to heal the wounds you never asked for.


Bethany Zelent

Internationally Registered Counsellor

Bringing nearly 10 years of depth psychotherapy experience🌊, I offer a comprehensive counseling approach integrating evidence-based methods 🔬with intuitive inquiry🔮. Informed by a Masters in Counseling Psychology and over 8 post-graduate certificates, I offer practical counselling for radical change to interrupt patterns with compassion 🧡and activate your potential.👑

If you haven't been able to trust - your Self or others...

it's time to respond to the scar, not react to the wound.

This could be you...

“Learning from Emma's courses feels like she's with you every step of the way. I have made more progress with more actionable items than sitting in chairs of over 9 psychologists for years.”

“Emma's courses are tangible, in-depth and transformative - I'm a better version of myself now.”

“Learning from Emma through her courses has accelerated my growth as a person, break out of long-held destructive patterns, strengthen my relationships & feel less alone.”

“Emma taught me the ability to give myself permission to see things clearly, without the fog of pain or self-loathing. This has given me a new degree of agency & self-responsibility. ”

“From this course, I feel more able to accept love from the people around me & more able to show them love in return.”

“Emma's course offers insight that allow me to come to realizations I never could have otherwise. I accept myself now more than I ever thought I could. ”

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.

Bonus material

Incredible extras to deepen your healing

  • Inner Child Care Guide

    $75 value

    Templates, Checklists & How-tos! More step-by-step guidance to demystify how to connect with your inner child. You'll be led through a thorough template to build relationships with your younger Selves.

  • Reiki-Infused Meditations

    $150 value

    You'll have access to 7 unique energy healing meditation. Our wounds happen in our emotional body, in the unseen. So healing has to, too. Each meditation guides you through a different level of healing so you can truly embody the change you're looking for.

  • Somatic Practices

    $100 value

    You'll be guided through intentional somatic practices, backed by evidence-based research. Each somatic practice includes an instructional video to ensure presence.


  • Will I be able to learn on my own?

    Every brain is so different! I break down each complex course into step-by-step processes and if you need support along the way, I have weekly office hours & 1:1 sessions available to deepen your learning & healing.

  • Do you have payment plans?

    Unfortunately not yet - it's something I hope to offer in the future! But there are lots of free courses and content to start with. To do this work in 1:1 sessions would be significantly more time & money so I try to balance what is a reasonable investment, along the intention that goes into each course.

  • How long will this course take me?

    Each course is about 3 hours of video but they're designed to do a bit everyday. It's part of Marion Woodman's teaching, “Can I really believe I am worth an hour a day?” so I like to start with giving yourself 10 minutes a day to reflect with the course. It can take 2 days to 3 weeks - you get to learn at your own pace!

  • What if I prefer to learn live?

    All my courses are pre-recorded but I often have live workshops available. Keep up to date with live offerings on Instagram @syconiumhealingpractice

Course curriculum

    1. Take the Quiz!

    2. Workshop

    3. Somatic Practices

    4. Journal Prompts

    5. Homework

    6. Worksheet

    7. Affirmation

    8. Inner World Meditation

    1. Affirmation

About this course

  • £97.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Pricing Value

In 1:1 therapy sessions, it would cost you $10 500 and over 70 hours, if not more. You have access to an archive of knowledge, wisdom and skills to heal the wounds you never asked for.

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